Brandon Klopp

Thanks for dropping by.  Drop me a line if interested and if not -- Peace!

Welcome to 2005


Link ('age)

Websites of Interest

Camarillo Roommates

(from left) Here's Steve, Jay and me during my Camarillo, California days.  

**p.s. I can't tell who's most uncomfortable in this pic....HAHA!**


OJ - The Cat

Another former roommate....

Here is O.J. in a moment of relaxation. 

He has no fleas. 

He likes to hunt. 

He was a cool cat - but alas, we parted ways. 

I tried to take care of him to the best of my abilities -

and my friend Tim found a good home for him. 



Beach Shot

A friend took this photo.  Forgive the fact it came from Oxnard.


Never Hitchhike


Happiest Dog Ever

Ladies and Gentlemen - introducing "Sprinkles!!"








Brandon Klopp