~SailorMoon&the Scouts...Manga Pics~

Prince Darien& Princess Serena

& the Scouts who protect them

This page will be almost all manga pics from the SailorMoon Series&Comics. There might be a couple of anime but only ones I really like.

I for one love these pics and hope all who come here will like them too!!

I also have to add that I really like the love story behind this..I think we all deep down wish and hope to find that one person who is our soul-mate.

This page will be frequently updated..So please check back!!!

And remember it sometimes takes a few minutes for the pics to download, depending on the size of the pic. But if you're patient you'll be able to see some great Manga pics..*SMILE*

So here we go!!!

To get info about your favourite character,click below!!

To get info about your favourite villian,click below!!

Click below to see some of my fav pics!!..and enjoy!!!

The Moon Kingdom
Prince Darien& the Moon Princess
A Prince&Princess at Home
Prince Darien& Princess Serena
Wedding Pic
Another Wedding Pic
A Small Wedding Pic
True Love
Lover's Gaze
A Romantic Pic
Darien&Serena Again!!
A playful Prince&his Princess!!
Another Playful Pic!!
Some Cute Pics!!
More Cute Pics!!
The Kiss of Life
Another Kiss!!
And Another Kiss!!
Neo-King Endymion
Neo-Queen Serenity
Neo-King&Queen asleep with their daughter
TuxedoMask with White Rose
TuxedoMask Again!!
A Side-Profile of Tux
Darien&Serena's daughter from the future!!
Reenie on the Moon
Two Princesses
SailorMoon&Tuxedo Mask
SailorMoon&the MoonLight-Knight
SailorMoon on the Moon
SailorMoon&her future self:Neo-Queen Serenity
Eternal SailorMoon
Eternal Sailormoon Again
Pretty in Pink
My Fav Group Pic
Serena&her Friends
Another Pic of Serena&her Friends
The Inner Senshi
Group Pic with just the Inner Senshi
SailorMoon & the Outer Senshi
Just the Outer Senshi
SailorMoon&the Scouts
Blue Flowered Group Pic
Princesses All In A Row
Group Pic of all the Senshi
A Great Manga Group Pic
Serena&all the Senshi
Roses & Princesses
Tuxedoes are in!!
Everyone& Luna's Transformation
Just the Scouts
All the Scouts
All the Senshi Again

I've started to win AWARDS!!

If you would like to see the web-rings I'm in:
Click WEB-RINGS!!.

Some of my fav places to go!!
Click LINKS!!

© 1997 zerena@geocities.com

Disclaimer:I should also add I do not own any rights to SailorMoon nor am I affiliated with any one who does. I only post these pics and parts of the story because I like it.

Also I should add that these are pics I have either scanned myself or have collected them off the web. I honestly don't remember where I got what. So I will give credit to all the GREAT SailorMoon pages everywhere!!!

I also believe in the Freedom of Images!!..So if you want to use mine, GO AHEAD!!!..If I find any pics I have done on your page, I will be flattered!!!..*SMILE*

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