aren't I the cutest little angel? Sailor Moon Says!

Rabbit's Sailor Moon Page

rainbows rainbows everywhere

Hi I'm Rabbit.
This is the compliment to

My Ranma 1/2 Page

... It has a brief description of me and a bunch of humor links, and sites that actually do stuff. I haven't decided exactly what to put on this page besides pics, some wavs and some basic stuff about Sailor Moon... If you have any comments or suggestions, go to the bottom of the page where it says contact me.

If you have not read both the Japanese and the english version this may help you understand who we're talking about:

      Scout Name:             Japanese Name:         English Name:
     (or identity)

      Sailor Moon             Usagi Tsukino            Serena    
      Sailor Mars             Rei Hino                 Raye
      Sailor Mercury          Ami Mizuno               Amy 
      Sailor Jupiter          Makoto Kino              Lita, or Leda
      Sailor Venus            Minako Aino              Mina
      Sailor Uranus           Haruka Ten'ou            Alex
      Sailor Neptune          Michiru Kaiou            Michele
      Sailor Pluto            Setsuna Meiou            Susan
      Sailor Saturn           Hotaru Tomoe             Helen
      Tuxedo Kamen/Mask       Mamoru Chibia, Endymion  Darien
      Usagi/Serena's dad      Kenji Tsukino            Ken
      Usagi/Serena's mom      Ikuko Tsukino            Ilene
      Usagi/Serena's brother  Shingo Tsukino           Sammy  
      Usagi/Serena's friend   Naru Osaka               Molly
      School nerd             Gurio Umino              Melvin
      Arcade supervisor       Furuhata Motoki          Andrew
      Rei/Raye's "friend"     Yuuchirou Yamada         Chad

Click on the Sailor Scout to go to their page:

The Sailor Moon Image Gallery

The Sailor Moon Sound Shrine

Otakuworld~anime desktop themes, and screensavers

rainbows rainbows everywhere

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