
Character Profile

Name: Jon Talbain
Time Period: 1940 A.D.
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 145 pounds
Land of Origin: England
     A werewolf who was told that once he exceeded all of his limits that
his greatest wish would be granted. And from his ending his wish was to be
human again.

Key to Moves
s= square button
c= circle button
t= triangle button
x= x button
L1= L1 button
R1= R1 button
b= back direction
d= Down direction
f= foward direction
u= up direction
two letters together= two buttons or directions at one time. Example: xc 
means x and circle at the same time or ff meands tap foward foward quickly.
(something)= hold the specified key/keys for a few seconds. Example: (x) 
means hold x for a few seconds.

Special Throw Moves
Cannon Rounder: bc or bR1 or fc or fR1 Rapid Crunch: bt or bL1 or ft or fL1 Cannon Flyer: Jump then ut or uL1

Basic Special Moves
Luna's Hammer: d, df, fANY punch
Jumping Luna's Hammer: Jump then f, fd, dANY punch
Luna's Hammer: f, d, dfANY punch
Super Luna's Hammer: b, bd, d, df, fANY punch then buANY punch or fuAny 
Super Luna's Hammer: d, db, fuANY punch then dfAny punch
Jumping Super Luna's Hammer: Jump then bu, b, bd, d, df, fANY punch then 
ufAny Punch
Climbing Razor: d, uANY kick

Special Moves
These are moves that are only usable only with full Special Meter or are enhanced by having full Special Meter. Luna's Hammer: d, df, fANY punch Luna's Hammer: f, d, dfANY punch Jumping Luna's Hammer: Jump then f, fd, dANY punch Climbing Razor: d, uANY kick

Combo Moves
Midnight Fury: d, df, f, d, df, fALL punches 5 hitter: c, t, (b, bd, d, df, fANY punch, ubANY punch)