Name: Jon Talbain Time Period: 1940 A.D. Height: 6' 1" Weight: 145 pounds Land of Origin: England A werewolf who was told that once he exceeded all of his limits that his greatest wish would be granted. And from his ending his wish was to be human again.
s= square button c= circle button t= triangle button x= x button L1= L1 button R1= R1 button b= back direction d= Down direction f= foward direction u= up direction two letters together= two buttons or directions at one time. Example: xc means x and circle at the same time or ff meands tap foward foward quickly. (something)= hold the specified key/keys for a few seconds. Example: (x) means hold x for a few seconds.Special Throw Moves Cannon Rounder: bc or bR1 or fc or fR1 Rapid Crunch: bt or bL1 or ft or fL1 Cannon Flyer: Jump then ut or uL1
Luna's Hammer: d, df, fANY punch Jumping Luna's Hammer: Jump then f, fd, dANY punch Luna's Hammer: f, d, dfANY punch Super Luna's Hammer: b, bd, d, df, fANY punch then buANY punch or fuAny punch Super Luna's Hammer: d, db, fuANY punch then dfAny punch Jumping Super Luna's Hammer: Jump then bu, b, bd, d, df, fANY punch then ufAny Punch Climbing Razor: d, uANY kickSpecial Moves These are moves that are only usable only with full Special Meter or are enhanced by having full Special Meter. Luna's Hammer: d, df, fANY punch Luna's Hammer: f, d, dfANY punch Jumping Luna's Hammer: Jump then f, fd, dANY punch Climbing Razor: d, uANY kickCombo Moves Midnight Fury: d, df, f, d, df, fALL punches 5 hitter: c, t, (b, bd, d, df, fANY punch, ubANY punch)