Mistonomy's DownTown CATS Magicians Page


Hey there, Urufu again! ^_^;; I know that we're taking our blessed time with this site and what not, but I'm getting everyones act togethere now. Nom'ys in a class that gonne make her web skills better and she's gonna be experimenting on this site with those new skills!! The new pic of me is just the most recent thing she's done. ^_^ I got new colors!
Well, i'll try and keep all you hip cats posted on what we're up to! And I'll try and get some of the linx up and running too!
~Urufu -> 01-31-02 <-
Hello there, I'm Urufu. >^.^< I'm Helping 'Nomy, Mecha, Shell, BR, PN, and YsT redo their site, so it's not avalible right now. Also, we're all going to college so I'm not sure how long it will take to get the page back up and running. >^.^<;; Sorry bout this for those of you who really wanted to come and check the place out. But I can asure you that I'll try and get the whip cracking on the five of them for this site!! See you later Jellicles!!!