
      EnTeR aT yOUr OwN RiSk

Best if viewed with Internet Explorer - I mean, I'm not helping Bill Gates
sell anything, but it was easier to fix up my page with IE.

Solitude; A maiden's grace,
Belies the icy waters,
As she gazes upon a deserted island--
For Atlantis it was known;
An era of beauty, art, inspiration
To which humanity's loss it has dissolved
Into the tranquil waters that has marked its grave.

Hey all!! Ok, I KNOW my page really sux and it looks cheesy and all right now, but deal. I'm working on it, but I have other priorities at the moment. More pictures are coming soon, more info, tables *gasp!*, but there will be no music, because I've gotten so many complaints whenever I put music on that I just decided it's not worth my time.

The purpose of this site (well there really is no purpose, but for now let's create a hypothetical situation) is to provide information about my life (as much as I know, culture, who I am, who my friends around the world are, and information of events pertaining to that). Maybe you should come visit us here in OHIO sometime. Yes. OHIO (ok, this part is NOT hypothetical).
There is info dispersed across this page (and also hidden links) ~ your eyes only! ~ and other links to, especially, the Asian Sorority we are creating here at OSU. We are Omega Tau Zeta ~ here to help expand Asian Awareness on our campus. Our website is still under construction, but now open to the public.
If you are interested in our organization, please contact me! There is a link to my e-mail at the bottom of my page.

My name is Yunsheng -- you're already wondering what that is, right? No I'm not kidding. Seriously. Well, for those having trouble, some people just use my American name and call me Krissy, including my sorority sisters. Actually, I consider myself a Chinese-American or Taiwanese-American~ hey, it really, really doesn't matter. And I don't care what name you use. I'm not really picky about that stuff. If you are really that curious to know more and see what I look like, you can check out the 411 on me... I'll try to be specific.

Now for the real stuff:
mostly from the AAA Formal 1999, more additions soon...well maybe not. It's January 4, 2001 and I'm updating this page in ADDITION to the OTZ page... so most of the pictures I have are uploaded on that website.. so please go check it out!!!!!!

Jet Li is a friend of mine. Leave me alone or pay! ;-) j/k
Linh and Jenny~ thanks for having me become a huge part of starting Omega Tau Zeta on our campus. Let's hope it'll last. Alex~ *^.^* See u in class... Judy! Diane! hey you two! Please don't tell me you're getting into more trouble with the police at Jen's party!! Just kidding, I know u girls are responsible (hah!) Judy~ Don't worry... your cousin will pay for being evil! I'll set Jet Li on him! hehe. Esther! Girl! I haven't seen you in the longest time! How's Chicago?? Please~ we gotta do something over the summer. Shuk... you are too kraft-ie... Suk~ or Doris... whichever u prefer =) Promise me you'll get me that awesome crystal waterlily... to this day i'm still drooling... Mandy =) AMSA~ I hope I can participate in more events with this some other time... I'm sure you're quite awesome at it hehe.. Vanthy! Nice to know you are a cloud like me. Helen~ I think I have some more cantonese CD's laying around... and since I'm a mandarin girl~ you can borrow as many of those as you like =) Lam! Guava Juice! Here! Come and get it before I drink it all... don't say I didn't warn you~ Janice.. SwEEtie! I haven't heard from you in months! Is it rainy in Seattle? really? Mike.. Mike? Where are yooouu? CJ~ hee hee... which way is east? left or right??? LoL~! Chinn~ How's Berkeley? It's been a year.. so tell me about it when you can.. k? Anne Lise! It was nice seeing you again.. are you still working at A&F? Mia.. It's sweet you have your own apartment.. must be soo nice ^.^ Hey big bro... I don't need help on my a: drive... Alex fixed for me since it took you so long.. and guess what, it wasn't broken.. you disconnected something you big idiot!!! Just kidding (my bro is really a good guy, just forgetful sometimes). Jet Li!! How's it going?? Really, hehe. Geez. I'm not that much of a freak!

One last advice:
Live every act fully as if it were your last----

Email me!
I seem to have lost my counter because I'm an idiot and erased it while I was updating this page. Please be patient. It will come back with time :-o
UpDaTE! Look~ my counter's back and running... enjoy!
Thanks for visitng! You are the th coolest person on Earth.