Real Name: Saihitei Seishuku
Age: 18
Birthday: April 2
Star Pattern: Hydra
Height: 182 centimeters
Bloodtype: A
Birthplace: Capitol of Konan Country
Family: Two older brothers and one younger brother as well as two younger sisters (those swordskills must have come in handy when the succession came up.....)
Hobbies: Reading; Fashion
Powers/Abilities: Great Swordsman
All his life the young prince, Saihitei, was lonely. He dreamed of the day when the girl would come from the other world, because he hoped that she would make him happy. Fiercly loyal to Miaka, he would give his own life to protect her. However, their romance is doomed from the start, for Miaka loves Tamahome. However, she tries to respect Hotohori and understand his feelings for her. When Miaka is forced to leave Hotohori she gives him her teddy bear to remember her by. Hotohori is also one of the most vain characters, commenting often on how beautiful he is... (but I'm afriad I agree with him...)