This page is just one unintelligible boy's attempt to display his like of anime and a few of it's more prominant, in a few more ways the one ^_~, characters. Selecting from the following pictures should lead you to the pictures unless I screwed up, which I may have. I do hope you can stomach the small collection, bad humor, and even more terrible writting ability that is me. Thank you.
Okay, that's it for now. Thank you for dropping by and I hope you occasionally come back to see what's new. And once again I apologize if the page was not a good thing in anyway. Thanks for coming bye and see ya. *Waves* Ya all come back now, ya hear! ^_^
The place to mail me, if you'd care to of course, at this place. And the counter is here just cause it's free.
See ya all later! ^_^ Oh yeah...the legalities...well, all material that was under my basic URL is copyrighted by their respective creators/owners/distributors/etc. Finally, see ya all laters! ^_^ *Waves*