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Note: My frames page is the most updated one though since it loads multiple frames don't use the 'back' button on your browser unless you plan to do so many times ;) Instead just use the frames to move from page to page. It's much easier. Again, I slacked on my 'no frames' page so all the good stuff is in the frames section.
November 28th:
After much persuasion and begging and blackmailing by my sisters, I've finally placed up on my site THEIR fanfic ;) So take a few minutes to check out a fanfic crossover that was done by my sisters.
November 10th:
My computer was in the shop for the past 2 weeks since my brand new 3 week old Gateway Pentium II 350 Mz had it's motherboard and harddrive FAIL on me. As a result I lost EVERYTHING on my harddrive which wasn't too much of a blow since part 2 of WFR was sucking anywayz. I'll be fixing up my computer some but then I'll try to get back to everything that I should've put in ;) Like all my character pages, a guest book, more quotes, fanfiction, etc. etc. etc. we'll see...
You are visitor to visit this page since I've started on July 14th, 1998.
Hey I'm working on it! But if you have something constructive to say send to
This page was last modified November 28, 1998.