Welcome to my homepage.  I hope you enjoy it. This homepage contains some photos of my travels through Asia and some brief information on things that I did while I was in the selected country.  My interests are Sinology and Asian Studies.  As time progresses, I will add and update the information in the page.  Enjoy your visit here at the Tiger's Den.  First stop, the island of green: Taiwan.
The R.O.C on Taiwan was established in 1949 after the Nationalist Party retreated from the mainland.  While I was in Taiwan, I lived in Taipei.  I was there for 8 months and enjoyed every second of it.  I studied Mandarin at the MTC and taught English at two bushibans.  Taiwan is a beautiful place populated by beautiful people as these photos show.    So grab a ham and corn bun and sit back and enjoy the pictures. 
Hong Kong
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Click here are some photos that were taken in Taiwan
Well, it's been almost 3 years since the handover.  Click here to see some
pictures of
Hong Kong
Here are some pictures of the former Portuguese colony
Click here to visit some of my favorite websites
Click here to see some pictures of me in China
Click here to see Pictures of my in my home city
Ralph "Randy" Carpenter
People have visited my site, since 01/29/2002