Almost exactly like the Micron Pigma, a useful and dependable pen with many line sizes. It also uses the "waterproof pigment ink", so Pigma's patent must have run out or something.
I'm not sure if these are available outside of Japan, however as the manufacturer is a branch of Holbein you should be able to order them anywhere their paints are carried.
Many people use common markers for touch ups and sound effects on a manga page. Even many mangaka. This is bad, bad, bad, folks. There is no enemy to your artwork like a marker which doesn't have "waterproof/fade-proof" written in big bold letters on the side of it. I have quite a number of attempted manga pages from years ago which are rendered in a stunning combination of fuzzy blue and purple lines. This is wonderful, except for the fact that when I drew them it was black. Any pen or marker that does NOT expressly say it is waterproof is to be taken out behind your house and shot, preferably a few times.
Even the mighty Sharpie, which touts itself as "permanent", tends to feather over time unless kept in an undeground vault or something similar. Since the number of people with underground vaults is small among the mangaka community, I recommend you don't use the damn thing.
to be added:YOU tell ME!!