to my Sailor Moon WebSite! This site is dedicated to Sailor Moon. I was first introduced to Sailor Moon a year or two ago, and ever since then I have loved it. In my opion Sailor Moon is one of the top 5 greatest animes of all time, if not the greatest. Anime is Japanese animation for those who didn't know I am a proud supporter of SOS (Save Our Sailors). I'm glad you found my Sailor Moon WebSite. As you know my page has been unchanged for at least 3 to 4 months, I sorry I didn't around to updating it. My computer was down for a while and I had no access to the computer. Away I'm glad to say I back and I've made some changes. First of all I have some majorly cool things in store for my site and I'm getting on them right away. Second I have decided after long consideration to close the IRC RPG. If you have any comments on this matter feel fee to email mail me. Finally, I've also added a Sailor Moon Web Pole featuring cool moony questions, which will be updated weekly for all my fans. Thanks for all the people who stuck with me and sent all the encuraging email and enjoy your stay at my website.
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Sailor Moon is copyright © 1992 Naoko Takeuchi/Kodansha, TOEI Animation. English Language Adaptation © 1995 DiC Entertainment. This site and all of it's contents are presented without the authorization or knowledge of the copyright holders.