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Hi my name is Angie. I am not a morning person. In fact I love to do what Umi (Magic Knight Rayearth) did to her alarm clock.
My webpage contains a list of my favourite Anime characters, a bunch of funny x-over anime pictures, and some of my own fan arts.
Comments and suggestions are welcomed. Flames will be thrown into the springs of Jusenkyou. "Oh sir, you fall into spring of drown "flames", now you only receive "flames" from other people." ^__^

What's New? (Last Update: May 11, 2000)


Added... 6 new Slayers fanpics, 4 new Song inspired fanpics, and 1 Misc. fanpic.
Update... Corrected all links in Link sections. I plan to add some more fan pics when I have the time tomorrow.
Added... New pics to Ranma/Anything Goes, Slayers, Ranma/Sailor Moon, and Misc. fan pic 2nd page.
Feels like FOREVER since I last updated... which is probably true. ^_^

I like drawing anime characters in X-over situations. Click on the list of links below to see my fan pics. You are welcome to my fan pics, as long as you acknowledge that my brother or I drew them, and you let me know you are using them. (Also it wouldn't hurt if you could put a link of my website in your webpage ^_^)

Click here to see my brother's fan pic.

P1 P2 P3 *new*
Ranma/Sailor Moon
P1 P2 P3
Ranma/Anything Goes
P1 P2
Miscellaneous Drawings
P1 P2 *new*
Song Inspired
P1 *new*
Here is my List of Favourite Anime Characters, and pictures about them. Here are my collection of "Spliced" or "X-over" anime characters. I really like taking characters from one series and putting them into another. Click here to see the pictures.
Click on Clef for my Toon page. ^_^ Bored already? Oh well, click on sleeping P-chan to my Link page and see other neat webpages out there on the net.

Here are some banners for my page. Feel free to choose which one you want to use. (Note: I have shrunk the appearance of the banners by half.)

or or

Awards for me ^_^ :

Last year in Chemical Engineering and I still don't have much of a life. *_*

Click here to check out my Dad's webpages.

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