Jinma Saotome M K R Anime World
Best viewed: 800 X 600

Last Update: December 28, 2000

This page has been visited:

since September 15, 2000


Welcome back to the newly done up, Jinma Saotome Magic Knight Rayearth Anime World! Here I have improved the graphics a little, hope you people like it! It's still same-old-same-old, but I hope you agree it looks better!

Click above to enter the Tri-World in this Webpage!

Red's Pokemon Page
Just a small Pokemon RPG I joined and play now and then.
Feel free to visit it. It's quite a good page with little bits
of general pokemon stuff.

Manga: Self-drawn More surfing? Then hop over to the Manga section. There's a few mangas which I drew myself. Ami stands by my works, even though she's more into studying than reading manga. That's more of Usagi's trademark! ^-^

You can sneak a peek into the Ani-Mayhem section and see the new set of cards of my creation. Hikaru should definitely like it since the main theme of the cards is Magic Knight Rayearth. Pioneer was going to release it, but for some reason stopped! How could they?!

And there is the Fan-art section, which has all of my drawings which I scanned in. There are all different kinds from request by other people, so my own creations and fan-arts. Ukyou being an okonomiyaki maker and special sauce designer can understand the artistic talent, yes?

Enjoy your stay here, and visit the other sections below! They're loads of fun!

Ani-Mayhem: MKR

Award Map

Soar to other realms through the Links

If you don't want to be hassled by banners go here:
Soar to other realms through the Links (With less pretty scenery)