I think it's well past time I revised this page to keep in tune with it's
brother page, ne?

Reality Withdrawls Revised

Rebooting the Light Fantastic.

The really bad first homepage of Shade *insert term here*, only better! Maybe?

I'm surprised I even remembered my login to this page. I was talking to 'Kazi
about Macross 2032, and remembered that I had those pages here. Took a few
minutes just to hunt it down again, and a few to remember my password.
^_^; God, this page was fugly back then. Granted, my current one won't
win awards, but it's nice and functional. I think I'll play with this page
for a while, revise the M2032 pages, then maybe let Windy have it.

Various fun things (for me anyway)

Not that any of these links ever worked...
Eternity Weeps: A shrine to Sailor Saturn
Roleplaying in the Worlds Beyond

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