Have any questions about the site and how it came to be? You've reached the right place. As the section title suggests, this is where I hope to answer your queries about the website and whatever may be associated with it. So read on as you might as well find the answers you're looking for - as far as the site is concerned, that is. If it's not here, you can always email me and I'll reply as soon as I can. ^^

How did you make your website?
I write the code using Notepad and use Adobe Photoshop 6 for the graphics. Aside from hours of painstaking work involved, I guess that's basically it. And perhaps the occasional stab of envy for inspiration. Haha. I also use my scanner and the material I get here and there for content. Oh, and money helps too. Have any? :p

Can you teach me how to make a website?
To be honest, I neither have the time, patience nor knowlegde to do so. I can't even progress with my own studies to begin with >_< For me, web authoring has been a continuous learning experience, owing in part to the ever scarcity of time, and maybe because I'm just plain lazy. Haha :p If it helps, as it did in my case, you can look at what others have done to see the possibilities and study the code. Learn from mistakes - both your own and others' as well. Also, there are a lot of web authoring & design tutorials out on the internet. I find HTMLGoodies.com and Webmonkey particularly helpful. If you want more flexibility in your site without having to completely learn JavaScript like *ahem* me, you can go to Dynamic Drive and Dynamic HTML Central for tons of free scripts.

Can you help me with my site's design?
Hmm.. Can you specify in what manner I can be of help? I don't do layouts for other people as I already have my hands full with mine alone. I have a few pieces of advice instead. First up: Don't abuse colors. I'm not saying that you should be a monochrome fanatic like me. I'm not totally against neons. Then again, maybe I am but that's beside the point. Remember that there's a difference between art and a headache. Use colors wisely so that they're easy on the eyes. Next: Organize. Make sure you present content in a way that it's easy to access, divide it in sections and categories to offset loading time as well. A descriptive yet concise menu also comes in handy. Lastly: Be creative. It's always a good thing to have a nice design & layout. You don't have to be gifted in the arts to do this, but it definitely helps if you're artistic & creative. Experiment with your ideas and never be afraid to try. In case you feel that you're artistically-challenged (like me), don't lose hope. I've seen sites that are simple in their designs but kick a$s in terms of content and content management. Form matters, but without content, the effort is almost wasted. Think about what you want, it's your website after all. Remember that you can't please everybody, but it pays off to be happy with your own design and to know that other people are happy with it too.

Can I use the information on your site?
No. You can use the information on this site but only as a reference for you to create your own. You cannot place them on your site, with or without explicit permission. You must not copy the character profiles, summaries, reviews, poetry and basically anything else that I've written and pass it off as your own. Plagiarism is blatant disrespect for the work of others and it is absolutely inexcusable for anyone to take another person's work and claim it as their own. Any self-respecting individual should know that.

Can I use the layout and graphics on your site?
Absolutely not. I've spent hours planning, designing and creating my humble layouts and I won't forgive anyone who steals them. Zettai na. No part of the site's layout can be reproduced in another website with or without explicit permission. Practice and create your own. Trust me, you'll feel better that way. ^^

Can I use the images from your galleries?
Yes. The images in the galleries are free for the taking, but I'd really appreciate it if you could give me credit for my scans, and ask permission before posting them on your site. Scans are indicated by Test@ment when you hover over the thumbnail. Also please, please save it on your own space and do not direct link my files! Ii? Yosh! ^^

Can you send me ___ image?
I'm sorry, but I really don't have time to do this. If it's not in the galleries, it's either I don't have it or it's scheduled for future updates.

Why do you have so little content on your site?
Let's see.. In truth, I've actually increased the site's content, and I think it has become quite substantial compared to the previous versions. But to answer the question, I really don't have all the time and resources to expand. I am however doing my best to add more content to the site, but at my own pace. ^^

Why do you take so long to make an update?
Before, it was School. Homework. Projects. Term papers. Hectic schedule. No time. Now it's Work. Stress. Work. Stress. Exhaustion. No time. Haha >_< I could actually give a dozen or so excuses, but basically, I've been sucked into the daily grind and just didn't have the time. Gomen m(_)m

When are you going to have more RK fanarts?
Warui, warui.. I've been on a slump for quite some time now. I think the last time I drew was a year ago. I welcome submissions though and you can get in touch with me if you're interested. ^^

Why 'Testament'?
It's actually the title of a musical score from the soundtrack of the Rurouni Kenshin OAV Tsuioku Hen. To be honest, it wasn't among my favorites from the album, but it was an excellent accompaniment nonetheless. I was looking for a catchy, one-word title that reflected or described Kenshin's life & character in part or in whole, and I felt that 'Testament' fit my specifications perfectly.

Can I link to your site?
Of course! Just go to the Linkage section and choose from the banners I have then link it back to http://geocities.datacellar.net/ Tokyo/Shrine/7198. You can find the details regarding affiliation in that section as well. ^^

Why the long monologues?
I guess I was just born that way. Hahaha :p I actually don't even get this question. Wahahaha! :p