NGJ Picture Gallery

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Featuring Fan Art by Mike Koos


Isaac Marchionna of Titleist Productions

Inked Sketch of Kasumi, Ranma, and Akane
Inked Sketch of Kasumi, Ranma, and Akane by Mike Koos (evaran02.gif)
31K GIF 1170 x 826

Kasumi, Ranma, and Akane @ LEAF H.Q.
Kasumi, Ranma, and Akane @ LEAF H.Q. by Mike Koos (3pilots.jpg)
119K JPEG 1590 x 1200
Embellished/Vectored by Kevin D. Hammel

"oh my!" Tendovski Kasumi
"oh my!" Tendovski Kasumi by
Mike Koos (kasumi1.jpg)
31K JPEG 344 x 889

Tendovski Kasumi Sketch 2
Tendovski Kasumi Sketch 2 by Mike Koos (kasumi2a.jpg)
45K JPEG 354 x 939

Tendovski Kasumi Portrait 3
Tendovski Kasumi Portrait 3 by Mike Koos (kasumi03.jpg)
53K JPEG 519 x 834

Saotome Ranma Portrait 1
Saotome Ranma Portrait 1 by Isaac Marchionna (Ranma1.jpg)
53K JPEG 466 x 786

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