~If you have read the fanfiction and just are dying to know more, here is where you can find it, If you haven't read it yet, this maybe somewhat of a spoiler to some of the fanfiction, so read it at your own risk, mind you it is rather long.~


The Andromeda Galaxy

	Surrounded by seven planets the bright G type star at the center of the Galaxy shines
brightly. It gleams off of the surface of the pristine hot springs of Nevala and moves on bouncing 
off of the brilliant planet of Starsis. The Sun's rays now move out to the electrified surface of Cirruses
dancing among the large skyscrapers onward to Quatis giving life to the plants so needed for the support
of life and existence in the galaxy. The beams now bounce into Volsus, spilling into windows of offices
and labs where some of the most ingenious minds in the galaxy are hard at work. Now miles upon miles  
away from the sun barely illuminating the cold desolate ruins of a once great planet known as Xenen. 
Cities that once stood proud in the faint rays of the far off sun now lay in rubble, no one having set foot
on the planet since it was disappeared on it's usual far off course, out of the galaxy into the nearby Milky
Way returning to the Andromeda system dead, and utterly desolate, a sign. A signal to the living that the 
Negaverse was just on the other side, having annihilated every living thing on the planet before it's return.
The Seer Dragons 
	The seven Seer Dragons, creators of the Andromeda Galaxy. Forging it in light and making each
planet within self sufficient yet dependent on the others. Each dragon forged a planet and a race. 
Luminous the dragon of starlight and energy birthed the Cirrusians. Tempest the dragon of silence and 
creation birthed the Volsians. Inferno dragon of fire and emotion gave life to the Nevalans. Catalyst the 
dragon of darkness and destruction created the Celestians. Eyo the dragon of life created the Startisians. 
Supernal the dragon of spirituality and rebirth gave life to the Quatisians . The dragon Bane, of 
death and dissolution created the Xenionans. The only dragon without a race to call his own was Tempo
The dragon of  time and space, thus being because there were not enough planets, and for Tempo couldn't
create a race fairly in line with all others being that that the Mystic magic that Tempo wielded, was far
more powerful than all others. Tempo then took the purest of hearts under his wing and created the order
of the Seers, a group of priests and priestesses that took the text for all of the galaxy.
	When the planet Xenen as well as the Xenionans was destroyed on it's trip into the nearby Milky 
Way Galaxy Bane went rabid with rage, blaming the other dragons for not trying to help, accusing 
them of allowing the Xenionans to perish. One survived, however, her name was Refla, Bane created a 
plan of vengeance and with it found the forces of the Negaverse to aid him, creating a dark Prism and 
turning Refla into a warrior, known first as Sailor Prism, who then had her star seed taken, in order
to make her evil. She is now known as Queen Prism. To combat the force of Queen Prism and the dragon
Bane the other Seer dragons selected warriors of their own each one from it's chosen planet, and Tempo 
searched out the purist of heart among the planets. 
Want to Know More?-- The book of Andromeda