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Welcome to AzianLuv/pixellove designs website

Hi! Welcome to my personal website. This layout I have featured is not one of my creations, but was taken from elated.com. Go check out their website which contains very useful and helpful things. Otherwise, hope you enjoy your visit here and don't forget to sign my guestbook to let me know YOU were here!

What's new

December 7.2001
I know it's been a long time since I've worked on this page. I've been busy with school, work and my family. After my final exam on Monday, I plan on making a new layout and finally complete this website of mine. Sorry for the lack of update!! Watch out for my new layout!


Who's that girl?

I've completed the info/411 on me page! If you wanna know who's behind this website, you'll find the complete info on me and more...!


For those of you wondering what the 'eyecandy' section is all about, it's about PICTURES!!! I mean, most of you out there, just wanna see pictures of me and my friends, so here it is! This section is for you. Eyecandy contains alot of my memories...*sigh*

. LAST UPDATED: december 7.01 .
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