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Personal Comments

Why is this anime so special? Watching every episode , we find that the approach of the stories is very different. There are stories of friendship, some romances, adventures with the mob, an encounter with God, and even the death and resurrection of the main character, something not seen before. The TV series is also full of cultural references as well as western film and other anime parodies: James Bond, Tarzan, Giant robots anime, Black Jack, Dr. Strangelove and even "The birds" from Alfred Hitchcock are referenced here

One of the most pleasant aspects of this TV series is the way they build interesting characters along the series. The main character, Gigi, is a cheerful girl who faces any problem without any worry, always confident of her own skills. She's not that different to other girls, but she looks always happy. A noticeable and not ordinary fact in the anime of magical girls, is the relevance of the parents of Gigi in the series. In several other anime series of this genre, the parents have such a low relevance that they don't even have a chance to develop a profile because their role is non-existent for the development of the TV series. However, in Maho no Princess Minky Momo her parents (both her real parents in Fenarinaasa and her "parents" in the Earth) have an appearance in every episode and they have very interesting personalities. In fact, her parents of the human world have a unique charisma that makes the audience to put an eye on them. Those who had seen the show will surely remember the episode 44, "Tenshi ga orite kita" (an angel descended from above) when an angel crashed with Gigi's home and mama ended with wings of angel in her back. When they found there was no way to remove those wings, papa disguised himself as a swan to be just like her. Or the episode 39, "Totsugeki minkii mama" (The attack of Minky's mama), when papa was kidnaped by the mob and mama rushed in her scooter in order to rescue him. This couple lives in an eternal honeymoon, even when they had a serious quarrel in episode 37, "Ai no kuuchuu buranko" (The mid-air-trapeze of love), when mama believed for mistake that papa had an affair with a girl he was trying to help. With this strong attachement of Gigi in a family, she has a frame where to develop herself and we don't see Gigi as a lonely magic girl whose adventures are isolated of what's happening in the surroundings of her real world. And this is very important towards the last episodes of the TV series.

As you will see in the episode guide, there is a wide variation in the selection of themes in the series, but even so there is a quite linear sequence of events from episode 1 to 44: Gigi helps people using her magic in order to overcome any troubles and she succeeds most of the times. Until this point, Maho no Princess Minky Momo is not that different to other magical girls series (and yet it has it's own and unique acomplisments), but they are really just episodes to build what it was about to happen. In the episode 45, "Mahou no kieta hi" (The day the magic left), Gigi loses her magic, her pets are kidnaped and her magical car dissapears. She was no longer able to use magic. For practical purposes, she was no different in that point to a human girl. In episode 46, "Yume no Fenarinaasa" (Fenarinaasa of dreams) she died and refuses to return to Fenarinaasa: she prefers to reborn as a human girl. In these two episodes, the series had a drastic change. Through these events, Gigi could finally put the pieces together and think about her adventures in the previous episodes. It's not possible to bring dreams to the people, they are within the people and it's up to them to fulfill those dreams, it's something everyone has to do. In this analysis, Gigi realizes that she herself has a dream: she wants to live as a human girl, without any magic. This is why she didn't want to return to Fenarinaasa and reincarnates as the newborn daughter of those who were her parents in the Earth. Maybe this choice of individuality, this choice to carry on your own dreams, is the biggest acomplishment of Gigi since she came to the Earth. It's also what it makes Maho no Princess Minky Momo such an interesting TV series, with a message to the audience which will ever be a current issue.

Mahou no Princess Minky Momo is a copyrighted work of Ashi Production and Nihon TV. Images in this website are included only for informative purposes. La Pagina de Gigi (The home page of Minky Momo) is a fanwork of Armando Romero. Copying or reproduction in whole or in part of this website is expressly prohibited. Optimized for 800x600, 24 bits colors.