
Welcome to Strive! a websight devoted to one of my favorite anime series, Battle Athletes. Your options are found below; please enjoy yourself! updated nov.18.99

s t r i v e ! i n f o
intro to Battle Athletes
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s h r i n e s
gentle power
osaka riot!
eccentric crimson
gung ho!
washington's goddess
soviet vengence
lahrri feldnunt

mylandah arkar walder
supporting cast

e p i s o d e s
video 01. training
video 02. doubt & conflict
video 03. tragedy & triumph
video 04. spaceward ho!
video 05. no looking back
video 06. willpower
video 07. coming soon
episode listing

i n f o r m
series songs
battle athletes ova
battle athletes faq

t a k e - o u t !
desktop backgrounds
locker calenders

t r a i n i n g
antarctic training school
university satellite
training events

v a r i o u s
daicoll webring
pauline k's corner
pioneer animation

strive! ?copyright elara & pauline k 1999 / battle athletes ?copyright Pioneer, AIC, TV-TOKYO and all those with respective rights.

daiundoukai collective strive! is an associate of the daiundoukai collective!

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