Okay. Thanks for reading this boring boring introduction of myself. Well, my name's James(duh, you said your real name), and i am a beginner to HTML. I kno this page really sux, but anyways, thanks for visiting! Um...well, l was born in Taipei, Taiwan, and I'm Chinese. I lived there for 9 years, which means I was nine, and i moved to Hong Kong. I went to Japanese skool, because I didnt understand Cantonese which HK ppl speak at all, so I chose to learn Japanese which my dad knows a little bit about it. I learned Japanese there, and I think I can speak both Chinese and Japanese pretty fluently.(dunno about wat others think...grr)I came to California in 1997, and I was forced to go to ELD. After several months, thanks to my tutor, I was one of the first ppl who got out of ELD. I'm in mainstream humanities(English+Social Studies)in Rancho, and...my mom forced me2 learn French...you know those little community classes with all the small annoying kids...I learned among them, and I found it pretty interesting, so I'm continuing...still learning the basics tho :) Umm...I used to collect Japanese pokemon cards and I actually played them, but I got bored of it...after I got bored of it, I felt that they're so expensive...I spent all my allowance on it, and all I got are these cards...some of'em are pretty rare tho. I like to wear hats...because...I dunno. I used to love yo-yos too, and I have lots of it...but I got bored of them also. I played yo-yos almost everyday in school and at home, and after i mastered all the medium-hard tricks such as Atomic Fire and Split the Atom, I got bored of it, and now its on my bookshelf as a decoration. I love to read Japanese comic books. One series that I love the most is called "Kochira Katsushika ku Kameari Kouen Mae Hashutsujo"(KochiKame for short). Long, huh? Well, that's about it for my profile! Enjoy my page!
Here's my email address:theraiderx@hotmail.com
I also hav AIM, AOL and ICQ, so if you want to be a bud, contact me!