Next Kaillera Tournaments:
Feb. 17th 2005 |
Games onPlay:
X-men Vs Street Fighter |
Created: 11/21/04
Tournament Agreement
- By entering this Tournament you have agreed that you have read and understood
the rules that have been posted. This also means that you agree to the actions
taken if you violate any of the rules specified, or the actions that are seen
fit by the Tournament host.
- By entering the Tournament, you will verify that all information is not
falsified in anyway and that all information is correct. Violation of this
agreement will result in the non-exsistants of the participant will they will
be dismissed from the Tournament roster.
- You also agree that the host, Naruto, is not liable for any hardware malfunctions that occur during the time of the tournament. The same goes for software. We are not responsible for your computers internet protection, nor are we trying to compromise your computer's security.