Created: 11/21/04
Tournament Rules
All connections will be test against the host, that's me (Naruto), and all contestants that participate in the tournament to verify lagging connections. If you connections lags more than 15 times a second, causing frequent pauses, you will not allowed to participate in the tournament.
During a match, if a lagger causes his opponet to miss a combo and the lagger comes back with an infident combo that takes more than 40% of the none laggers life bar, then the match will be invalid and will be replaced by a rematch. If this problem prosist in a match three time in a row, the opposing person is the winner.
If lose of connection occurs, then the match will be restarted. If the person that lost the connection the first time loses the connection again, then the match will be rescheduled. During the rescheduled match, if the problem prosist, then the connection loser forfeits and the opposite person wins the match.
Player Verification
After signing up for the tournament, you will recieve an email confirmation code to verifiy your identity. This code will be used before each match starts and will be recorded. If the confirmation code doesn't match the records for the player, then that player can not play. If you lose your confirmation code, tell the host and he will email it to you once more. If you can't not provide the confirmation code after being sent to the email that the player has specified, then that player will be considered an imposter and the match will be forfeit on their behalf.
After each match is completed, the winner will recieve a new code for their next bout. This is so that the loser in the previous match can not impersonate the player scheduled to contend. This process will continue until the end of the tournament.
Match Verification
All matches will be recorded and put in an archive for downloading and viewing. There will be two spectators for every match in case of desync and reference. They will be the offical judges and determine if any of the tournament rules are being violated.
Mame32k .64 is required for all matches. All games specified in the Tournament will be posted. The version that is named is the version that will be used. There are no exceptions. If you don't have it, get it or contact the host to recieve a copy of get a location where you can get the copy.
Time Slots
All matches will be giving a set date and time according to the braket. If the date does not work for you, please notifiy the host as soon as you recieve you schedule date, or incase an event come up and you can not make the event. Otherwise, anyone that does not show up will be automatically disqualified and be out of the tournament. In this event, the person that is present automatically wins the match. If neither competitors show up, then both are disqualified.