Disclaimer!: WildHalf is a copyright of Yuko Asami and we are using it without permission, but it's for evaluation purposes only! This site is just for personal and informational use concerning WildHalf.


Wild Half fans have left their "pawprints" here...

Minna-san, check out the awards I have got for this website... I got it especially for Yucca-san coz Yucca-san and the Wild Half gang did such a wonderful job in creating this site in the first place. Anyway, I would have felt very guilty if I claimed that everything is done by me.... Right now, I am still trying to translate the manga into English so please please bear with me for a while longer. Until then, Ja-neh... ^__^

Ooh, before I forget, you can click on the awards to go to Heather Keister-san website to apply for the awards too...

Thanks to Heather-san for the wonderful awards you have given to this site and also the awards is especially for Yucca-san and gang @ Wild Half...