Bad Salsa -- The Werewolf within Salsa...

As powerful, and as special as WildHalfs are, WildHalf dogs all have a horrible fate waiting for them.Within them, sleeps a werewolf, and their awakening depends on the relationship those WildHalf dogs have with thier masters, indicated by a fullmoon mark on thier beloved owner's chest.

This werewolf, much more powerful than a WildHalf dog, would then awaken on a fullmoon night and eat up the heart of the owner in order to completely transformed into a werewolf.

This fate would reach every WiildHalf dog... and as Salsa and Taketo's relationship grew, the cresent mark on Taketo's chest grew fuller and fuller...

After knowing the consequences from Ginsei, both Salsa and Taketo decided to fight against it. They called out the werewolf within Salsa before the mark on Taketo's chest is full, forcing out an incomplete werewolf, hoping to be able to defeat it.

And they did. The werewolf within Ginsei was vanished together as well.
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