Cali Peeps!

These are pix of all angelica's friends over in californ-I-A!

my friend Nerry and her bf Mark. i think they look adorable!!!!

this is of my sagitarius, Ricardo and his friend Skylar. They're both pretty damn hot!!!!

my baby, joe. he's walking away, but you can still admire his nice ass.

my buds becky and jayson. My friend sandra gave becky a mini can of soda, cuz she's so small, and she's posing in front of the camera, but jayson jumped in cuz he's a dumass!

jayson making out with a manaquin. man it was so funny!! ha ha ha!!!

a major babe at the graduation i went to last thursday. this is of the guy i told you about, where he looks like he's kidnapping a little girl. what a babe!!! but you can't see his hair. his hair was so cute!! it was spiked, but you can't tell in the picture.

the gang. not all of the gang, but some. from left to right: jayson, nicole, becky, danielle, sandra, me, and sanchez. actually, it's stef sanchez, but there are too many damn stephanies at our school, so we call sanchez, sanchez.