Garth Pix

This is Garth, the care taker of the page. She got her name whilst sitting in lunch one day with Jimmy and Spanky, and Garth says "hey I dunno what you ppl are gonna call me for the SKA*OTS." Then Jimmy says "well hows about Garth?" and I says "why" and she says "Cuz you act like Garth from Wayne's World" and I says "alrite" and Jimmy says "Alrite" and Spanky says "Alrite" and we all says "alrite" and then we went back to eating and Krystal Butts says "hey what the fucck how come I wasn't included in the convo" but she's not important b/c she's not a SKA*OT. so haha.

Me at the snowflake 1999. I had my ex (james... mc...YUCK) behind me so I cut him out, haha.

This is me making a wierd face on the bus.

Me petting my "get-laid" sweater, which doesn't work anymore. It lost it's pizzazz.

See the orangish dot? That's the moon. I was supposed to be "holding" it in my hands, but Lisa got a really bad shot. Look how tan I am!

This is my school pic. Not much to say.

Me with my luscious pink hair.... and my bowling shoes... I'm so sexy.

Melissa, me, leah and amy all at hershey park back in 8th grade.

Winter time and the livin's easy..

This is me on the day angelica left. It was a sad sad day.