Jimmy Pop

This is my cherry poppin' Jimmy, AKA Jimmy Pop, AKA Liz. The Love to my Lover, the end to my beginning, the ska to my ots. I dunno, I guess it's not really like that. She kinda likes to screw with my head tho. ^_^ No, I can't really say it's just her, it's more like her and her boyfriend. They really like to screw up my head when I'm having a bad life as it is. But anyway, I really don't know where we got the name Jimmy Pop. It was when we were really getting serious about this whole SKA*OTS thing, and we were at lunch, and Angelica and Liz told me their names along with giving me one. They kinda just stuck.

Look at cute lil' jimmy... Awww...

This is Jimmy in Spanky's Car with me, BBM, and Mary in there too.. But Spanky's the only other one you can see.

This is Jimmy after drinking an entire orange gatorade. (one of the few things I thought would turn your tounge colors.)

Lookit me pointy finger! TeeHee!

Well isn't this odd.. A monkey caught in the monkey bars..!

Duh.... What?

oh what a lovely shot.. right up her ass. ^_^

shh, no kenny, don't tell don!

Lookit me I'm sandra dee!

Thar She blows! Baton down the hatches! Swab the poop deck! We're goin' fer buried treasure! Arrr!

Liz n' Christy.. whee...

Liz's *achem* Ass.


el armpito.

The good side.

Liz Likes bunnies.

Liz Likes looking at bunnies's assholes.

Liz LOVES looking at bunnies's cocks.

Whee I'm sitting.

This has got to be the funniest picture known to man. Liz looks unknowing to Rodney's ass hanging out behind her, and christy just basks in the glory.

Liz's *achem* ass again.

High Liz!

Liz and the dude she fuct. She was high.

Chrissy M and Liz staring at the glory of an armless, headless, naked man.


Liz and Chrissy M...





And Liz on a horse.