Professional Wrestling...or Daytime TV For Kids

Before I start, in case some of you missed the previous issues of the brialliance that is MAU Madness, I will post links to them at the bottom of this, and future issues. Now you have no excuse for not reading them. :)

Well, those of you with Pay-Per-View have just had another $30 sucked out of your pocket to see Summer Slam, the WWF's August edition of three hours worth of mayhem that you could probably get for free if you simply taped Smack Down three times.

And yes, as sure as Serena could trip while walking down a newly-cemented sidewalk, I am slowly getting hooked back into the swamp of evil that is professional wrestling.

And there is one reason I am putting it this way. In order for a person to "get into" professional wrestling, you have to put one of the biggest con jobs in the history of civilization over on yourself and somehow make believe that what you are seeing is real.

Now, I know that there have been some TV shows on that have exposed wrestling, and yes, there are ways to take a fall so that you are not seriously killed or something, but when some maniac rips the girders out of the floor and slams another guy down THROUGH the hole, somehow the whole thing seems a bit closer to reality. The wrestlers hitting the floor after being tossed from the ring seem to be quite real. The cracks of chairs, the crashes of tables, and the dropping of half-ton people from the top of a steel cage seem to be quite real.

So I will watch. In fact, when my friend orders Summer Slam this Tuesday, I plan to go to his house and watch it with him. And I plan to borrow the tape, so I can rewind Summer Slam and relive every bloodletting moment.

Because what it is that GETS me into it, and what it is that I think gets all of the wrestling maniacs out there in WWFland into it is the fact that whether the matches are faked or not, the story surrounding the matches is almost as fun to watch as the matches themselves. Will Kurt Angle mess up the marriage of Stephanie McMahon and Triple H? How long will the feud between Christ Benoit and The Rock last? And what about the rivalry between Chris (Y2J) Jericho and Benoit last? And will Taz EVER be tamed?

Yes, I am getting back into wrestling. I can tell because I am starting to pick out the rather nasty spots in the productions where they CAN'T be faking, and when I turn off the TV I find that I want to hear about what happens next.

Yes folks, to anyone age 15 to 45 who is not socked in by the daytime soaps, here's a soap opera for you.

Sit back, crack open the beverage of your choice, grab the popcorn, and get ready for the next wild ride.

Oh....and by the way....

Can YOU SMELLLLLLLLLLLLLL........what the cookin'?


Links: World Wrestling Federation :: World Championship Wrestling

More MAU Madness

MAU Madness #1: John Rocker and Yam Head
MAU Madness #2: Summer and My Thoughts on the New Dub
