
Usagi MP's Sailor Moon Site

Usagi MoonPrincess has developed her site to feature general information about the Sailor Moon anime series, and this she does quite well. However, what sold me on doing a review for this site was not the information, which is nicely laid out, not the large quantity of pictures in the galleries of the site, and not the layout of the site, which is quite nice...

It was the flames page...

See, Usagi MoonPrincess has been the target of a person who is too immature to distinguish fantasy from reality, and insists that Usagi MoonPrincess is trying to pass herself off as USAGI the MOON PRINCESS. Now, nevermind that the web author attempts to defend herself by reminding the flame writer that Usagi is a fictional character, and does this several times, the next few flames are from a friend of the flamer, asking the web author if she could kindly lay off her young friend...

And it goes back and forth, and it's funny. And it's worth further discussion, so I'll write a MAU Madness article on it, BUT on to the review...

One of the things that struck me about the appearance of the site is the choice of primary colors for the front page. The font used, and the light red lettering on white background is a bit unusual and neat. I also liked how the Usagi pic is blended into the title text area.

Checking out the page, I found that some of the information is quite standard. A lot of pages do episode lists, and a lot of pages do character information, and character profiles often have much of the same information found at this site. What I liked about the character information page specifically though was the use of negative pics, and the use of black backgrounds and "cool" flourescent colored lettering (blues, greens, and violets as opposed to "hot" colors like yellow, orange, or red) to compliment the pic. It looks as though the profiles need to be updated since the S and SuperS seasons have been dubbed into English. My question about the profiles pages is why isn't Tuxedo Mask or the Outer Sailors included?

The image galleries at Usagi MoonPrincess' site are quite large and the pictures are of good quality. For right now, the galleries are limited to the anime, but that is noted on the main page. However, the link to the manga gallery is still there, and it dumps into a 404 page. To fix this, simply disable the link and leave the text. As long as the explanation for why the link is down is there, people should not get too mad, and you can always reinstall the link when you upload the manga pics.

There are some other things for people to do at this site. There are downloadable games, some web graphics, awards that people can win, and lyrics for some of the Sailor Moon music. For those who like to chat it up, there is a Bravenet forum at the site.

About the only other bit of advice might be that the material at the bottom of the page could be rolled into its own page, but it's not much of a problem since the user doesn't have to scroll down *that* much. :)

Usagi MoonPrincess has developed a nice site. Feel free to stop by and check it out. And do yourself a favor and not be drinking anything when you look through the Flames might end up all over your computer after it comes out your nose from all the laughing you'll be doing...

Artemis' Score: 8.6
