Puerto Montt ~ Fruitillar
(December 28, 2000)


Drove into this town after breakfast.  Parked on the road for free and walked about the water front promenade.  This is a large resort town on the bay.  Navimeg cruises start from here to go to points south including the glaciers at Puerto Natales.  We went to a big downtown mall and ate in their food court in a cafeteria style place with waiters for the table.  The food was excellent and very reasonable. . 

     We went to the Juan Pablo II museum ( not rated highly in the guide book’) and found it quiet-  the exhibits were  in one floor.  Mostly about recent history of immigration, visit of the Pope to Chile and artifacts from their maritime life. 

We drove back to Fruitillar on the lake Llanquihue before coming back to the hotel.  Fruitillar had a very nice view of the symmetrical volcan Osorno.  The top of the mountain was somewhat visible on this day.  They had a German Museum and many other venues with german motif.  Apparently they have lake front classical music concerts in season.  We had coffee and kuchen in a very nicely appointed restaurants.   We came back after dusk to the El Mercado restaurant for one more taste of Erizo.  There was a very large Japanese family (grand parents, parents and kids) at dinner in the same place.  Once again, the dinner was very memorable.

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