What kind of person are you?


1. Curly..........cute and playful
Straight......sweet and kind

2. rose............good but not a dull imagination
sunflower....bright and colorful imagination

3. Christmas....................loves getting stuff
Valentines Day..........loves giving stuff

4. blue......you have a bright future
red......bright but not as bright as blue
green......not very bright

5. tall......dull but still fun
meddle.....ordinary but not dull
short....fun but crazy

6.glasses........loves to read
none............hates to read

7.boyfriend, girlfriend.......can make out
friends.......can not make out

8. Mall.............has a lot of friends
Ride-Aid......Doesn't have many friends

9. Mon...loves school or work
Tues....Doesn't have a social life
Wed...Doesn't have a social life
Thur...Doesn't have a social life
Fri...Loves to party
Sat...Loves to party
Sun...A church

10. Feb. & July........romantic
June & August.......loves to goof
Jan. & Sep........crazy and stupid
May & Oct.........A joker
March & Nov.....playful
April & Dec........Talkative and Sexy

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