How to make a character

step#1: Give your character a name.

Please make it appropriate for the race,too. So in otherwords: Don't make an Ork namked Fancypants!

step#2:Pick your race

...remember, only 3 Naga allowed in this league,so if you want one....HURRY!

step#3:Choose your wrestling style

...Remember, look and see if your race can take the wrestling style you want! Some races can't take certain styles!

step#4:Choose your eye and hair color

. Again, look at your race's description. Drow automatically have grey skin and white hair!

step#5:Give me a description of your character

A simple description will do, but I love when people REALLY flesh out their characters!

step#6:Give me a character history.

A small history will do, but as above, an elaborate full life story would be fabulous!

step#7: Finishing maneuver and description

This is simple...just make up a finisher, name it, and describe it.

step#8: Attributes!

this is the fun part...Remember to check your racial bonuses for your character, and put them there before you even start dividing up your points. Then....

Divide up 40 points between these stats:

power reserve

If you need an explanation of these stats, go to the E-mail all this to stuff to Locke Once Locke either E-mails you or tells you personally that your character is ok, You can start roleplaying! 1