where your spare thoughts end up...

       Welcome to the musings of a person who didn't have anything to do one boring summer day, decided to flex a few neurons, kick the creative vibes, and cough up a home page.

    This is a place where anything goes, scraps, thoughts, and whatnot, junk, gunk, and miscellany.  Stick a note, post, prop up your feet and read.  Shed your nihilistic cloak and set in some thoughts.  Feel free to wander around and just give a yell if you need me.

    Oh yeah, it's always a good idea to scream if your bored.


       bug                        scratch                       me                      clones                     links

current obsessions      stories and fics          journals                  pics                     sites, rings, etc.

       Handle with care, this is my first website (obviously).  There are a lot of repairs going on but leave a note on the guestbook telling me what you think.  If you need more inkspace and you simply want to tell me something, just mail me a letter and we'll see what we can do.

        It seems strange that I should choose to update my site while doing my thesis.  I just hope that my thesis mates don't find out about this.

        Anyway, there are new stories and some stuff that I put together.

        ----September 15, 2000


        I know this looks and sounds demented, but bear with me: in times of desperation, a MulderClone is always good for comic relief.  Just look at what he did when he popped out on those times my thesis group hit a rut.

           Besides, since there's a chance that the real Mulder won't come back for season nine, I suggest you grab one and make it a classic.