The Aftermath
Kinno turns Hiei and Kurama's life into living Hell...
Chapter One - Thorn in the Side
Chapter Two - Cucumber-Youko
Chapter Three - The Fall
 Chapter FourUnder A Dim Light
Chapter Five - The Master's Call
Chapter Six - Breaking Point
 Chapter Seven - Little Youko Lost
Chapter Eight - The Map
Chapter Nine -  A Nasty Bit of Work
Chapter Ten - Through the Back Door
Chapter Eleven - A Chapter of Accidents
Chapter Twelve - Shit Happens
Epilogue - Home Sweet Home
This series is finished! At last! It took me 6 months to write it up to the end...Thanks for following the chapters. I hope you have enjoyed it! But Kinno's adventures are far from over.
Check the incoming fic *Young Love*  which I'll be writing soon. The Cinderella Youko finds his Charming Horny Prince...
See ya there!
Sandy Youko