
This is just some stuff I know.


Zelgadis Grawords

Zelgadis is a shamanist sorcerer that is very powerful. He was transformed into a chimera by Rezo. Zelgadis is shy about the way he looks. (Though I like him the way he is.) This shyness causes him to wear conceling clothing and stay away from large cities. (He has gotten over his shyness) He is able to defend him self very well. He is also a good swordsman and can not be harmed by a normal sword because of his rock skin. His most powerful spell is the Raw Tilt.

Lina Inverse

Lina has a love for money, which I'm sure all you Slayers fans know. She fights bandits and steals their gold and treasures. (Taking a moment to fry a bandit or two, once in a while.) Her love for food, though, is unmatched by any other. She can eat a meal that was made for ten people and still want more. (especially after a big fight.) She specializes in black magic. Her main power spell is the dragon slave. her most powerful magic spell is the giga slave.

Gourry Gabriev

Gourry is a skilled swordsman. He carries with him the Sword of Light, which Lina wants desperatly. One example of his intelligence is the time when lina and him ran into the master of the monster race, Zorum. Gourry shows the Orihelcon Statue to Zorum.(Good job Gourry.) His most powerful move is a jump slash with the Sword of Light blazing.

Rezo the Red Priest

Blind at birth, Rezo was one of five wise men. His eyes were the prison too the Dark Lord Shabranigdo. He is said too be Zelgadis's Grandfather or Great Grandfather. Rezo is highly skilled in white magic, but that doesnt meen he is much less in any other catagory. (Jack of all trades.) His most powerful spell is...what is his most powerful spell!?

Princess Amelia Wil Tesla Saloon

It's miss justice herself!! Amelia specializes in white magic. Her father is Prince Filianel. Together they fight for justice. Amelia travels with Lina, Gourry and Zel. She is introduced in the 4th Slayers tape. Amelia is very clumsy. She wanted to learn the Dragon Slave until she sees that this powerful spell is useless unless you know when and where to use it.

Xellos Metallium

Xellos introduced in the first tape of The Slayers Next Series. Zel and Xellos quickly become enemies. But later on they get alone. hee hee ^-^ Xellos likes to stay in the shadows, or in the background so to speak.

That's all for now come back later!
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