Chronicles of War

Chronicles of War requires a bit of explanation. This story is a crossover element of various fanfics made by Insanity Productions. It has been actively written, in one form or another, for nine years. Enduring several re-writes, this page is the final version. It is impossible to describe without either wasting space or giving away the best secrets in the story. It begins with a cliched setup featuring terrorists, bombs, and hostages, but proceeds to shatter every preconception formed in this story's humble beginnings.

As Chronicles of War is a crossover element in several on-going Insanity Production stories, it's completion is vital to enjoying other, more light-hearted tales. Chronicles of War is currently under active production.

Book 1

Way of the Storm

Chapter 1: The Mall James Rahn returns to a town he once called home. A faceless man, he is singled out by an unknown person to commit a terrible crime. With this, out story begins. __Text__
Chapter 2: The People A pair of old friends appear, and the Chief of Security helps James secure the mall. __Text__
Chapter 3: The Scenario Locked inside and out of options, James decides to fight. The hostages prepare for the coming battles. __Text__
Chapter 4: Illusion. Intrusion. Investigation. The police outside and FBI agents hundreds of miles away try to figure out who they're dealing with. __Text__
Chapter 5: Plan? What Plan? PREVIOUSLY PART 4 - James and Ed come face-to-face with their enemy--a band of crafty mercenaries here to throw a wrench into their plans. James deftly fights the men off with a skill no man in his position should posses. __Text__
Chapter 6: Ironic Turns PREVIOUSLY PART 5 - One of the bombs is finally revealed, along with some pieces of James' past. __Text__
Chapter 7: The Straight Dope PREVIOUSLY PART 6 - Speeches are made, but few understandings are created. __Text__
Chapter 8: Death, Post Haste PREVIOUSLY PART 7 - In yet another struggle with the killers in the mall, Ed glimpses just what they are up against, and just what is on their side. __Text__
Chapter 9: A Real Challenge PREVIOUSLY PART 8 - The unnamed man begins to make his presence felt. All involved rest uneasily for the moment. __Text__
Chapter 10: Theory and Fact The FBI agents and local police put their heads together and come up with more mysteries than when they started. Is the tapestry starting to unravel, or started to be unveiled? __Text__
Chapter 11: Oops Bullets fly, people die, and shit gets blown up but good. Do the 'heroes' take it well? Read on to find out... __Text__
Chapter 12: Embrace the Evil In the aftermath of a stunning ambush and a shocking double murder, the hostages take a moment to reconsider their options, and the police negotiator gets another crack and talking with James. __Text__
Chapter 13: A Telling Silence Careful discussion of the matters at hand lead to yet another excursion into the mall at large, and some patterns begin to emerge... __Text__
Chapter 14: When it Hurts James and Ed begin their next strike at the terrorists within the mall. __Text__
Chapter 15: Made God Important questions are asked, and equally important answers are given as James finally takes one of the terrorists alive. __Text__
Chapter 16: Before Remorse James quickly shifts his attention to the next store on his list, but finds the defense has prepared for his arrival. __Text__
Chapter 17: Wasted Memories The assassin returns, worse for the wear, but ready to turn the tables on his opponents with superior intelligence-gathering efforts. __Text__
Chapter 18: A Fluid Situation Kat accompanies James for another excursion, this time putting them in an offensive position. A nasty surprise is waiting, however, and Kat begins to see James for what he really is. __Text__
Chapter 19: A Trivial Matter Plans and revelations are laid bare as more clues and puzzles the past of James Rahn are uncovered as the hunt for the next bomb finally begins. __Text__
Chapter 20: Sightings James cuts into the force guarding the next bomb. With all pretense shed, the battle is a vicious deadly one, but it comes as a surprise when the man himself asks for an assist. __Text__
Chapter 21: Join the Party The final protectors of the next bomb are finished off and a timely assists greets James Rahn. The group quickly takes advantage of their position and plan the final steps to victory. __Text__
Chapter 22: Synthesis The defenders regroup, elated at their recent victory, but find the price raised unreasonably with every round. There has to be a way out. Now, they must find it for themselves. __Text__
Chapter 23: Action James begins to make his final moves. The police plan, but with time running out, will their investigation be for naught? __Text__
Chapter 24: Fait Accompli The hostages are on their way out, the police are waiting, and the terrorists are gone. Or are they? __Text__
Chapter 25: To Dust The mall is destroyed. Another threat is made. Now, the plot thickens... __Text__
Chapter 26: [no title] IN PLANNING IN PLANNING
Chapter 27: [no title] IN PLANNING IN PLANNING
Chapter 28: [no title] IN PLANNING IN PLANNING
Chapter 29: [no title] IN PLANNING IN PLANNING
Chapter 30: [no title] IN PLANNING IN PLANNING
