Shimadzu has been actively engaged in an online campaign to conceal the truth.... our
permanent URL at will always divert you to the facts!
Why would you do business with a company that lies, denies and covers-up?

Shimadzu Corporation Chairman Kikuo Fujiwara and Amelia Adams (wife of Terry Adams) ....Shimadzu's disgruntled Terry Adams fueled this raging fire! Shimadzu Scientific exploding fire!

Shimadzu Scientific & Kratos Analytical

Attention CONSUMER ALERTS Attention

What's New @ Shimadzu: "Shimadzu GC Blows UP"

View this page in: Français | Deütsch | Italíano | Português | Español

Our 4 star rating award Cool!

Online reviewers have deemed the facts on this homepage to be 100% accurate
....and we'll back this claim up with real American dollars!
BTW: Shimadzu has never formally challenged the veracity of the facts presented herein!

Shimadzu BUGS

BUGS.... Shimadzu has a lot of them!

This way CAVEAT EMPTOR This way

Come SEE the other side of Shimadzu!

(Remember that this is an organization that SHOULD NOT be trusted!)

Quote of the month for October 1999
"We have a training center. Are we supposed to run it like a business?"
by Terry L. Adams, Mid-Atlantic Regional Manager

(Editor's note: So how many classes have been cancelled because of poor enrollment?
Is Shimadzu Scientific still publishing false instructor credentials to woo prospective students?)

ATTENTION Shimadzu Customers & Employees

Shimadzu, HAZMAT and Your Health

If you purchased or worked with HAZMAT at Shimadzu Scientific, you might have a
tangible claim for monetary damages.... read about Shimadzu's Amazing Admissions!

Be sure to respond by before December 31, 1999!

The Awards That Shimadzu Didn't Get....

One must navigate a labyrinth to find the Shimadzu Annual Reports,
but we unearthed them and they clearly indicate that:

Shimadzu Corporation is still hemorrhaging!

They won't admit or tell you this.... we just did!


Our online banner ad campaign:

Shimadzu's Outrageous Efforts to Regulate Free Speech on the Internet

Voice Your Profound Contempt for Shimadzu!

Amazingly, Shimadzu has tried to CENSURE this website!

Ask Shimadzu how busy have they been removing unflattering stories on the internet?
Does Shimadzu want you to see the disquieting information that others have written?
This conniving organization will pull the wool over your eyes --- don't let them!

NOT Buying Shimadzu.... tell us WHY!

As of September 1999, more than 290 customers worldwide have written us expressing their disdain for Shimadzu
and stating unequivocally that they won't be buying Shimadzu products. Please chime in with your response!

we will not rest until our objectives are attained!

Shimadzu Consumer Alerts Poster

for dissemination at ISPPP '99 and any other conferences
and forums which seem appropriate.... just print and post ad lib!

"Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others,
or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope..."
Robert F. Kennedy

Follow this link for More Dirt On Shimadzu

Maybe you've seen and heard enough already....
Consider what an insolent Shimadzu Regional Manager has to say.... read his memo.
Then you can make up your own mind about Shimadzu products, service and support!
If you have any lingering doubts, you might inquire whether Shimadzu had "down" years in '93, '94, '95, '96, '97 and '98
(that's six years running) when compared to 1992. This anemic corporation is NOT thriving!

Remember.... DENY and LIE - - - that's what they do best!

('o o')

Had an "experience" with Shimadzu or Kratos???
....Spiderman would like to now about it!

[Blue Ribbon Campaign icon]

Join the Blue Ribbon Free Speech Online Campaign

The editors of this website compilation stand behind the information presented herein. The factual information on our pages has been researched and found to be authentic.... it speaks volumes! Please don't allow some corporate employee affiliated with Shimadzu Corporation, Kratos Analytical or one of their very own distributors to tell you otherwise! We welcome your constructive comments, stories, observations & tales.

Are you a current employee with a tip or gripe that you would like to share with us.... just e-mail us at DO NOT e-mail us your tip or gripe from the Shimadzu workplace. Use a personal account or a friend's account to guarantee your anonymity. Otherwise, Shimadzu could trace your communications with us which would probably endanger your employment status!

This intrepid homepage has an East Coast and West Coast mirror!

Would you like to mirror this website.... we avidly encourage new ways to disseminate the whole truth about Shimadzu! We are also seeking custodians for this "archived" homepage who would act in our interests to continue exposing the other side of Shimadzu if our laudable efforts to bring you the truth are abridged or silenced... e-mail us.

This awesome homepage is featured on the Boycott Bulletin Board and the Protest.Net website!

Visit the Shimadzu Forum

DISCLAIMER: We are not responsible for the unsolicited opinions
expressed by our contributors which may appear on these pages.

$2 million dollars minim for all the rights to this homepage!

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