My "Cells", Kasumi and Shinsuke

TA, and Congratulations!!

They are my best friends,since we were 15 y/o and first met at high school.
But Kasumi and Sinsuke met more few years ago when they were junior high school.
They got married 2 years ago, I could not believe when I heard their merriage news
for the first time and it was from a card--they went on a trip to China--,
Although,I am very happy they seems really happy and share everything together.

Yes, They are a part of mine as my cells because they understand me, help me,
share everything bad or good memories together, I must say...
Thanx guys and I always love and respect you!!!

Now I'd like to switch  to them and ask their introductions by themselvs.
Please enjoy their chat and they also have a lot of friends in the world,
so that I hope they can contact each other on this page.

Below;One day a mail from Shinsuke.

Hello!!  A-ya(=Chun-Hui's nick name). 
What did you do today in this ugly weather. 
I just bought my moutain shoues which costed me a big damage. 
We wanted to go to Kirshima today to fell the nature,
but this bloody weather, all we did was what we call cheeseday.
We stayed at home,lying on the bed with drinking beer and eating cheese, 
We are such cheesy people. We love beeing lazy. 
I'm taking shity business man life these day. 
I wanna get hell outa Japan someday with my beatiful wife, 
we will be on the road. If anybody knows some kinda holy place, 
just let us know we will be right there, but  I know we are almost there. 
I picked up my guitar today, and what's a feeling, it can drive me nuts. 
My brain is not working properly now. 
Hope you can get the poing what I wanna say.
from Schimanski trying to get out
By the way my wife is so cute, seeing is believing, so just take a look,
but you don't touch.

