Shorin-Ryu Ryukyu-Kan Home Page


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Okinawa Shorin-Ryu Ryukyu-Kan

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Karate Kobudo Federation

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    Welcome to the Shorin-Ryu Ryukyu-Kan Karate Kobudo Home Page. This web site is dedicated to my Sensei (Master Nohara) and to the style of Karate in which he teaches. I hope this web site has the information that you are looking for about Shorin-Ryu Ryukyu-Kan Karate.

         The original font for this page is Orient Font.  I'm putting a zip file of the Orient Font so everyone can see the original format of these pages. 

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bamboo.gif (8184 bytes)

whitebelt01a.gif (227 bytes)      Location and Time's of Dojo's on Okinawa

yellowbelt01a.gif (245 bytes)  Fee's For Karate Class

orangebelt01a.gif (244 bytes)  Shorin-Ryu Ryukyu-Kan Rank's

bluebelt01a.gif (247 bytes)  Shorin-Ryu Ryukyu-Kan Kata's

greenbelt01a.gif (245 bytes)  All Ryukyu Full Contact Open Tournament Page

purplebelt01a.gif (236 bytes)  Basic Japanese for Karate Students

brownbelt01a.gif (236 bytes)  Brian W Hicks Home Page

blackbelt01a.gif (1026 bytes)       Dojo News Page

redbelt01a.gif (227 bytes)   My Sensei

bamboo.gif (8184 bytes)

You are visitor # since March 7,1999


This web page was designed by:

brown.gif (290 bytes)      Brian W Hicks brown.gif (290 bytes)
