The Adventures Of

Copyright Chrissy Fellmeth 1999, All Rights reserved.

Welcome to my new online manga, The Adventures of Shaka! Yes, I know, This used to be my Catomic Paradise page, but that manga is no more,.. I couldn't keep it up. If you hadn't noticed, the last update on the comic was in February to let you know I was going on vacation! But anyway, I have high hopes for this comic, and (as a friend of mine told me a while back, {not THAT long ago}) I already have many fans! This page will be updated VERY often, but for lack of a good server to work on this page with,(I'll give you a hint- g, for geo cities...) the format won't be changed for a while.
Updated August 14, 1999 Over my vacation for the past two weeks, I have done three more pages for the comic,.. And I haven't inked them yet because if I had, the thing would have been so screwed up because of all the bumps on the road, so I'll have them up in a day or two, but for now, pages 2-4 are up. Page five, six, and seven are on the way.
Thanks for coming!
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