Directory: The Quotes Archive

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Requestable list (850 files

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Welcome to The Anime/Game Mp3 Cycle.
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8/15/01 - Wow, This place still gets visitors? I thought you all smartened up and left ^^;. Anyways. College starts for me the 24th of August, and I guess that within a few weeks of that time, I'll be jacked into a high-speed connection (Finally!!!!!) Until Then, I wont be reading any requests mail just yet. ^^ I've had such a nice break from worrying over MP3 uploads I want to extend it as far as I reasonably can. After the year and a half of doing it on a 56K with few breaks, can you really blame me? Incidentily, I've been working hard at the Funny Quotes Archive which disappeared with animenetwork. It'll be much bigger than before. I've already got another 30K worth of ASCII in quotes lined up to be integrated into the existing files =D. Personally I enjoy quotes more than MP3s .... more humor ^^.

8-19-2000: I got a new pile of MP3s ready for requesting! Check out the new and improved MP3 List.


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Uploads: Next Week and Beyond
See what's been requested for the following weeks

Complete MP3 List
Currant Requestable MP3 List Last updated: 08-16-2000 with about 850 files

The freediskspace folder is located here:
Share password: anigame
As I understand it, getting the files involves you having to get a freediskspace account. (If someone would be nice enough to donate an account, I'll post it up and you can all download off it.)
If you're signing up for an account, use my referal code: U005E8519 when you do, it adds another few megs to my account, and since I intend on adding files to the drive until it gets full before cylcing files, the more space I get, the better for you guys. Right?
I haven't exactly worked out how I'm going to do my updates, but I'll think of something. Right now, the files that are up (in zipped format to prevent file corruption during uploading) are:

"Main theme" from Sailormoon
"Heart ni kiraboshi sakashitare!!!" from Fushigi Yuugi Vocal Memories
"Ai no Senshi" from Sailormoon
"Blue Eyes Blue" from Fushigi Yuugi Seiryuu Counterattack
"Coin Song" from the Final Fantasy VI Piano Collections
"Moonlight Destiny" from Sailormoon
"Onaji Namida wo Wakeatte" from Sailormoon
"Perfect World - Interlude" from Fushigi Yuugi OVA1
"Radical Dreamers ~Without takign the jewel~" from Chrono Cross OST

For anyone who doesn't have an MP3 player. I recommend Winamp. I also use Nad. A really small and efficient player. You can download that directly Here

To Place a Request:

Place all your requests
Or, You can post up your requests on my Web Board: Request and Message board
First check out the complete list of my MP3 collection, it's all I have, *don't* go asking for something that's not there, try one of the pages I link to, they might have it. Also, don't be greedy =) 3 songs or so are fine, but a whole CD? a whole Set of CDs? That's greedy. ^^
And please don't feel bad if I don't reply to your request mails, I've been getting quite a few of them every week and I want to start my uploads ASAP.
Updates are every Friday night, sometimes carrying over to Saturday morning unless otherwise noted. The list of upcoming files is updated only when I update the files.

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Disclaimer All MP3's are copyrighted by their respective owners. I'm in no way trying to undermine the companies. If you like the music, buy the CD. It helps us all if you do 'cause the prices are a tad steep because of a lack of an extensive market here. Us buying the CDs help can change that.