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WebQuest for Ancient Greece



   The Greeks made many contributions to present society, and our lives today are greatly influenced by the ancient Greeks!  Did you know the ancient Greeks created and transformed things like:

Our lives would be extremely different today, if it wasn't for the ancient Greeks. Therefore it is important to understand what their lives were like.  The more you know about ancient Greece, the more you will know and understand about your own life today.

Your Task You are going back to ancient Greece as a reporter, but first you will have to decide what topic you want to write about.
Your choices are:

The Process

Now choose what topic you will report on.

Sports Entertainment   Religion   Food   Fashion

Rubric Evaluation


What do you think you have learned by doing this activity?
Through your travels you had the opportunity to explore the daily life of the ancient Greeks.  You have probably come back from ancient Greece appreciating the influence their culture had on ours, and also understanding the many differences between the two cultures.
When you combine your class data you will realize many areas in ancient Greece were examined, entertainment, sports, religion, food, and fashion. You are now the experts in your subject areas!  We need you to write articles about your topics and tell the rest of us what ancient Greece was like.

If this journey has peaked your interest in ancient Greece, check out these links!
They are filled with even more exciting information and games about ancient Greece.

Alexander the Great: If you are going to be an expert on ancient Greece, you need to know about Alexander!!

Greek Alphabet: Can you write your name in Greek?

Greek Government: Do you know what is Democracy is?

Odyssey Simulation Game: What would you do if you were Odyssey? You will need your teacher's permission to use this game!

Last updated on April 9, 1999
Created and maintained by Michelle Housley