Episode Number | Description1 (season premiere) | New roommates try to find jobs to fund their new business.2 | New roommates try to find jobs to fund their new business.3 | Nicki pressures Joe; the fish are named.4 | Dan models; Cynthia tries to date.5 | Joe returns to New York; Flora tries to hide Louis from Mitchell.6 | Melissa and Dan have something in common; all disagree on a venture.7 | Dan has a business idea; Sarah wrestles with trusting roommates.8 | Flora goes to the emergency room; Joe is tempted to cheat on Nicki.9 | Cynthia meets Nicki; dissension and doubt.10 | Dan's brother visits; Joe disappears.11 | Flora throws out Sarah's friends; Cynthia is homesick.12 | Sarah's friends visit; business deadline draws near.13 | Dan's parents visit; marriage; solid business plan.14 | Joe leaves the business; Cynthia sets a new course on her own terms.15 | Joe could fail his last class; Flora's relationship with Sarah is threatened.16 | Dan makes a decision on his love life; Joe bequeathes his shares to Leroy the dog.17 | Melissa bares more than her wild side.18 | Flora confronts Dan; Joe reveals a surprise.19 | Break in the Bahamas; the dog wrecks the house.20 | Tensions rise; Melissa moves out.21 | The roommates fail at their business attempt; Dan accepts a modeling job.22 (season finale) | Roommates say goodbye; Cynthia and Flora plan to stay in Miami. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |