The Story begind several years before the Great Tekken Tournament. A young Jun Kazama witnesses Heihachi Mishima throw his son off a cliff. Jun is haunted by the memory and never forgets the young boy who disappeared that day. Fifteen years later Jun, Mishima and the boy, Kazuya, are reunited in a battle for the title of World's Greatest Fighter...and the tattered soul of Kazuya Mishima.
The story revolves around Jun, a young psychic who remembers a boy whose pain she held onto for some 15 years and Kazuya, a young man who's spent those 15 years plotting revenge. The subplots include the devious plots of Mishima's adopted son who is determined to inherit over Kazuya, the tragic plight of a young girl adopted by an automaton, and the never ending battle of the Williams' short, it's a fighting game based anime, which is to say many characters, more plot and not much substance. But I was expecting much less than what I got, so I was pleasantly surprised. I've heard a few reviewers who were dismayed at the screen time given such "second-stringers" as Jun and Lei, but as someone who has ever loved Jun Kazama, I liked her portrayal...and Lei was such a goofy sidekick I wanted more of him! It wasn't brilliant, but I thought they handled it well. So, the breakdown is not as good as Night Warriors (Vampire Hunter/Darkstalkers), on par with Fatal Fury, and about three hundred times better than Battle Arena Toshindin.