St. Lawrence High School  27 Ballygunge Circular Road  Calcutta 700 019
Phone : 91 33 475 1959 / 2539

Welcome to NETSLOBA, the official web page of SLOBA

Feedback   Home Page    Annual Report
Archive   History   Newsletter   India Federation     Calendar   Constitution  Membership  Governing Body     Sloba_list   Message   School  Photoalbum

A big and warm welcome to all Lawrencians. 

You have had to wait a long long time to see this page up. We have at last been able to terminate the suspense. There is room for improvement of course, as is there the need to update the postings but we are sure to get by "with a little help" from our friends. 

The Governing Body of SLOBA extends its greetings to all Lawrencians, members of SLOBA or otherwise and wishes them Happy Viewing. We also take this opportunity to appeal to all those who have not been somehow able to apply for membership to do it right now, SLOBA needs you all to go from strength to strength. 

We have tried to classify the pages according to the nature of activities of SLOBA as well as other milestones achieved by the association. And at the very onset we would like to thank all our members at home and abroad who have lent their precious time in creating and maintaining this web page and other online activities that the association has been involved in for about a year now. In your viewing pleasure lies our satisfaction.

The membership database is now computerized and updated upto November 30, 1999. The new printed members' directory is in press and the information is available to all members of SLOBA upon request. The publication of the directory was a fund raising event by itself . Please send your valued suggestions and feedback to us, all those who are receiving the hard copy. We regret we are unable as of now to publish the directory on the net as the information is confidential. We are working on posting e-mail addresses wherever available. Please join the SLOBA mailing list at SLOBA_list to correspond directly with members of SLOBA.



St. Lawrence :
The beginning of an institution

Articles by :
Sreemoy Banerjee 
Anirban Banerjee

Interview with :
Rajat Bhattacharyya

The first annual report

The Federation Constitution

A Message from SLOBA

exchange of opinion 
conduit of information

 National Federation
of Jesuit Alumni / ae

National Congress
Calcutta Jan 22-24 '99

Congress Statement
Calcutta Declaration


Please take the time to send us your feedback by  E-mail

This page is best viewed with Netscape Communicator

Created, updated & maintained by voluntary efforts from Lawrencians, present & past

New : Annual Report 1999