His name is Coke. He is one of the most stupid dog I have ever had. My mom took him from the street when he was a puppy. He will eat almost everything. He's now look like a pig. Look at his face, he looks idiot, right? Anyway, I love him.

  "Brown" This girl pretty smart. She knows a lot of things. In the picture, she was watching the chicken for me. She won't eat the chicken, but protected it from other dogs. Good dog, huh?

Here is another stupid bitch. This one named "YouYee". Cute name, huh? This one is more clever than Coke, but still uneducated. She always fight with other bitchs, so my mom has to put her in this cage. Stupid!!!

  TIEA! This bitch is a small one, but she is the most dangerous one. She used to bite my ex-girlfriend. Everyone is afraid of her. Well..Not me.! When I shout out her name, she will pee rightaway. Too bad, she is gone.

  "Dum" A brainless dog! He can't remember me. He is so afraid of me and my bike. When I park my bicycle, in front of him, he will runaway.. See! He is now hiding me in the rest room. No place to go! You're a son of a bitch, man!

  Here is a new bitch. My mom just took it from the street (Again). Her name is "Setundon". Nice name, isn't it? She is very nasty. She will bite everything. See! She is biting my hand.

  "Pai" The new one that my mom took it from the bus stop. So, my mom named it "Pai" (Came from "Pai Rod May" = Bus Stop) This girl is so dirty. She will lick everything...God damn it!...!

  Here is the newest son of a bitch named "Toe-Toe". He still young and so naughty. Hey! Do you want it? I will give it to you for free! Interest?