Bodac's Anime Guide

Well how often have Otakus like us found an anime title on a fansub site which we have no idea what the heck it is about? Give the large number of new titles that come out from Japan and the real concrete lack of information on some of them I thought that I'd try to shed some light on some of the more obscure titles:

Mind you, it's been a while since I've seen some of these and half the time to be honest I have no idea who did it, who the voice actor's/actresses are etc.. just the rough storyline.

So here goes:

1. Assemble Insert

This is essentially a kind of parody. Town is being destroyed by meglomanical villian and gang in power armour. Police Force and Mad Professor decide to find a superhero to stop them villians. So they hold auditions for the best candidate. Girl with extreme strength is chosen and is given a suit of her own to stop the bad guys. Anyway they try to make an idol out of her. It's kinda of a superhero spoof/parody, quite enjoyable.

2. Natsuki Crisis

This is actually quite enjoyble. One of those Japanese High School Kung Fu Shows. Girl (Natsuki duh) kicks butt with her Kung Fu and has to help out a friend who has been targeted by a rival school. Promise of more but this OAV series only had 2 eps.

3. The Samurai

What could I say.. High School boy fancies himself a samurai, goes to a school where twin girls are out to get him with ninja tricks... friend is a gun bunny. Class is an insane riot. Whole plot for this OAV is about the twin girl ninjas trying to get their hierloom sword of him which used to belong to their family which their father lost in a duel. Funny that's all I can say.

4. Ys I and II

As far as I know based of a Playstation game. Fantasy based. Hero has to recover the lost books of Ys and stop the demons from taking over Ys with the help of the two goddesses. Second OAV carries straight on from the first OAV. Nice and enjoyable if a bit old.

Anymore more titles people are interested in just drop me a mail and if I have seen it before I'll do my five cent review of it.

5. Card Captor Sakura
Simply put.. Clamp and KAWAII.... If you haven't watched this you do not know what you are missing out on. Sakura is a girl who releases a deck of cards called the Clow cards. Of course she now has to go recapture all of them before they can cause any harm. With the help of Kero-chan and Tomoyo-chan she goes forth to recapture the various cards. Cool bits. Different costumes most of the time and she gets to use a different power every time she gets a new card.

6. Berserk
What can I say. One guy, Big MutherAsskicking Sword. Currently my favourite Anime series. Dark and bloody it traces the story of two men, Griffith and Gatts (guy with BIG sword). Series is not complete but from what I've seen so far it is good and highly recommended.
