Hi mina-san!
My my, how time does fly, looks like i've been all talk and no show.  For all of you SM fans that are  here for either the first time, or been here before and come back once and again to see what if i have been doing anything here...you see that i have not, in one whole year. i've been a busy girl! what can i say. ^.^  I still don't think that i'll have time to work in here, 3rd year in college, and still busy, but i'll try, got a new computer over the summer with a 100GB's, so i'l l have lots of room to play with this site ^.^  Till then hang tight, and study hard with your own work or school! ja ne mina-san!
~Corner Lady a.k.a. Epona
fat baby in the house!
Awards Corner
See what i have won!
Gallary Corner
Come see all the senshi and more!
Links Corner
There are not only SM links here!
Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon (copyright) Its characters and likenesses are properties of Takeuchi Naokoi, ect....I'm just using the characters  to make people happy, and to share with the people that happen by here. I'm not gaining anything out of It. (but maybe I'll meet new people through this site o' mine) =P
Characters Corner
Not up yet. ^-^
Here is my banner! Link little old me? *giggle*
Yo! vote for me please? Domo arigato!
F.M.'s Corner
Here's my "Favorite Moments" Corner
Fun Corner
Go here to have fun, and learn Japanese!
My Usa-Face is watching my site. Are you? Hope you had a good time here! come again mina-san!
huges for sall! get them well there here...
use your power! vote for me!
lend a helping hand to me?
Don't forget to e-mail your lovely Corner Lady guys! I luv all and any e-mails!
   This page was last updated 9/12/02
Insainty Corner
Not up yet, but there is a corner where i have my clubs hiding in.
Dirtythought's <*.*> Vegeta, Mamo-chan, Tamahome, Clef, Recca, and so on....
Pocket Bishonen!
Now here! come see!
Newcounter, in on 11-15-00